Frequently Asked Questions

How to choose a departure time?

AIRPORT to OZORA: Please calculate with a baggage reclaim time of at least 60 minutes after your flight arrival time - that's why you shouldn't select a shuttle departure that is very close to your flight arrival time. For example: if your flight arrives at 10:00 AM you should select a shuttle departure that is after 11:00 AM

OZORA to AIRPORT: Reserve a shuttle with a departure time that is at least 5 hours before your flight departure! The traveling from Ozora to the Airport takes 3 hours and the check-in at the airport takes another 2 hours.

How long does the journey take?

The travel time is approx. 3 hours with no stops - please plan your travel accordingly.

What happens if I miss my shuttle?

The ticket is only valid for the purchased shuttle departure.

How much luggage can I bring with myself?

The same amount your airline company allows you to bring for free. Additional large piece of luggage are subject to extra fees.

Where can I find the bus and when should I be there?

At Budapest Airport please find our bus at the Parking Level / TERMINAL BUS PARKING (see our MAP). The bus has printed on it and the staff is wearing t-shirts as well. The bus will leave on time according to schedule, so please be there at least 30 minutes before departure.

At Ozora Festival please be at our bus 60 minutes before departure as we leave exactly on time according to schedule as people have planes to catch. Our pick-up place is at the MAIN GATE, where the TAXI pick-up and the O.Z.O.R.A. Entry are. For more info please check this map:

What if I can't find my Reservation Code?

Your Reservation Code (QR Code and a Reservation Number) can be seen under the My Reservations page, it is also sent to you via e-mail and it can also be found on the Invoice. Without these, you will need to present an ID so that we can find your reservation in the system. (That’s why it is important, to give your exact name, like your ID shows). Those people who have their codes with them are the first to board the bus.

Can I get a refund?


I have a child. Can he/she travel for free?

No. Children can only travel with a valid ticket, regardless of their age.

Can I modify my reservation?

You have the right to modify your reservation at least until 26th of July 2024, 12 noon, for an administration fee of 10 EUR by sending an e-mail to Subject to availability of free places.

Can I sell my ticket?

Our ticket is protected by security measures which will be counter-checked upon boarding our bus. In any given situation, the first ticket that is handed over to us for inspection is treated as the original - every other copy of it will be considered illegal. Doing counterfeit copies of a ticket is a violation of law and such actions will be faced with a respective law countermeasure.

We can only guarantee our service if you use a ticket directly bought from us. For every other ticket that comes from a source different from us we can not be held responsible in any way and using such ticket is the sole responsibility of the ticket holder.

Can I buy a ticket at the airport or at the festival?

At the airport you can buy a ticket only online at least 1 hour before the bus departure time, subject to availability of free places.

At the festival we have a ticket counter (at the information point, in the middle of the festival). You can buy a ticket there, but note please, we don’t have internet, we accept only cash payment, cost is 45 EUR/person.